Project Description
Shaping Research
An Outsider’s Perspective

The General Service Administration’s Proving Ground (GPG) evaluates next-generation building technologies by establishing real-world testbeds within functioning GSA buildings. Tenfold works with GSA staff as well as Department of Energy scientists to help shape the research, ensuring that it addresses the interests of all stakeholders: policymakers, building staff, who will decide whether or not to adopt the new technology if it tests out, and end-users, whose everyday experience will be influenced by it.
Staged Entry

Results are presented in a variety of formats, each targeting a different audience. Every published report gets a 1-page infographic that highlights the top-level findings. There is also a 4-page Findings document that tells more of the story, describes the technology, recounts the unique process of evaluation, and discusses findings in greater detail. The objective of this multifaceted approach is to provide a staged entry into the research, from infographic to Findings document to the full report. Tenfold also researches, develops and writes GPG’s newsletters, focussing on deployment, and produces monthly webinars, where everyone from fellow researchers to technology tourists can discover new innovative technologies.

“Tenfold is involved in every step of our process, from analyzing our laboratory reports to writing, designing, and publishing our findings.”