Project Description
Corralling Visual Data
Defining a Virtual Exhibit

The Stanford Humanities Center uses new modes of thinking in design and computer science to serve data-driven research in the humanities. Tenfold worked with SHC on one of their laboratory projects studying the concept of “crowds.” Among the projects was a virtual counterpart to an exhibit of posters from the Hoover Institution’s vast collection of posters concerning “the emergence of a common graphic vernacular for depicting multitudes as political actors.”
Conveying Scope and Scale

Our “Revolutionary Tides” site creates a virtual analog to a traveling exhibit. Through the use of gridlines and thumbnails to scale, the Posters page gives visitors to the site an overall sense of the exhibit’s organization, scope, and scale. It also facilitates inspection and study of each of the exhibit’s 119 posters. The site garnered the coveted Communication Arts Site of the Week award, an SF Bay Area Addy, and a New Horizons Interactive Media Silver metal.

“Tenfold brings a critical intelligence and understanding of the scholarly nature and ambitions of the lab’s projects.”